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AM Arrival Routines

AM Arrival Routine Map


  • Students who walk to school should enter Tillman through their grade level doors in the front of the building.  Please note that some doors have changed, due to classroom movement over the summer. 
  • For carpool in the morning, all vehicles will move to the rear of the building, stopping to let students out in the drop-off zone near our new wing and entrance. 
  • Students will enter the building through the doors nearest our drop-off zone, on the lower level by our new third grade classrooms (below the library).  After students exit, vehicles should circle the southeast parking lot and move back toward Quan, turning right and exciting eastbound.
  • Please note that buses will now use the front circle drive, dismissing students near our front sidewalks.  Students may be used to walking in the circle drive but will now need to use the sidewalks and/or crosswalks.
  • Please enter and exit Campus from Quan Ave traveling eastbound, with a right turn into and out of our lot.

A few thoughts/reminders are noted below.

  1. There is no morning drop-off in the front of the building, except for two reserved spots purchased at Trivia Night. Please use the drop-off zone in the rear of the building instead of parking in a "chute" spot to let children out of your vehicle. We understand this takes a little more time, but it is also safer for kids and keeps the overall flow of traffic moving.
  2. When using the drop-off zone (pictured below), please pull forward to allow others to fill in behind you. When possible, please have students ready to exit vehicles as soon as you enter the area marked in red. In a best-case situation, six or seven vehicles can empty safely at one time - keeping traffic flowing and cars off of Quan.
  3. Please share the arrival and dismissal maps and routines with grandparents, siblings, or babysitters who may be dropping off or picking up your children.


Drop-Off Zone