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Technology & Media Literacy

Far too many of our students, especially in middle and high school, experience social-emotional and/or wellness issues due to things that originate or are exacerbated in an online environment.  As part of our district wellness initiative, all students (K-12) engage in a series of digital citizenship lessons over the course of each school year. Lessons come from Common Sense Education and are aligned with CASEL and ISTE Standards for Students.  Lessons are organized into six strands, with one age-appropriate lesson per grade level. 

It is our hope and expectation that all students will have these foundational learning experiences, knowing that many teachers will expand on topics and engage children in further conversations.  We also want all teachers, parents, and guardians to be invested in this important work, knowing that students will transfer learning across settings, and into new and unpredictable situations, when ideas are reinforced through multiple perspectives and voices.

Digital Citizenship Strands