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Media Balance & Well-Being

We cannot underestimate the importance of media balance and time away from devices, especially given online learning and daily news cycles that may impact our well-being.  We urge families to consider the quality, content, and purpose of "screen time," however, rather than simply counting minutes their children are looking at devices.  In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics recently updated their screen time guidelines for school-aged children, encouraging consideration of “The 5Cs of Media Use.”

  • Child - Who is your child, how do they react to media, and what are their motivations for using it?
  • Content - What is worth their attention?
  • Calm - How do they calm down emotions or go to sleep? 
  • Crowding Out - What does media get in the way of?
  • Communication - How can you talk about media to raise a smart and responsible child?

All students will learn about Media Balance & Well-Being at some point each school year.  For additional information about this strand, please review the document and links below.

KSD Digital Citizenship - Strand 1: Media Balance & Well-Being

Grade Level


Grade Level Family Activities & Tips



Media Balance is Important

  • How do we find a happy balance between our online and offline activities?

Pause for People

  • How do you say goodbye to technology when you don’t want to?

Family Activity - Kindergarten

Family Tips: Media Balance & Well-Being

Grade 1


Pause & Think Online

How Technology Makes You Feel

  • Why is it important to listen to your feelings when using technology?

Family Activity - 1st Grade

Family Tips: Media Balance & Well-Being

Grade 2

We the Digital Citizens

  • How can we be good digital citizens?

Device-Free Moments

  • Why is it important that we have device-free moments in our lives?

Family Activity - 2nd Grade

Family Tips: Media Balance & Well-Being

Grade 3

Rings of Responsibility

  • How do digital citizens take responsibility for themselves, their communities, and their world?

Family Activity - Grades 3-5

Family Tips: Media Balance & Well-Being

Grade 4

My Media Choices

  • What makes a healthy media choice?

Family Activity - Grades 3-5

Family Tips: Media Balance & Well-Being

Grade 5

Finding My Media Balance

  • What does media balance mean for me?

Family Activity - Grades 3-5

Family Tips: Media Balance & Well-Being